
Hunting for scholarships can feel like a full-time job, and (for most students) there’s really no time for that. Add in the fact many students with entrepreneurial aspirations are running their own business while attending school, and it’s even more important to find funding sources that not only recognize their challenges as students, but also as entrepreneurs. 

This growing list of resources to get college cash can help you on your educational journey while you continue to nurture your fledgling biz.

Scholarships for student entrepreneurs

GreenPal Scholarship for Tomorrow’s Entrepreneur

If you’re a high schooler with interest in business or an undergraduate at a college of business, you can apply to receive GreenPal’s $2,000 scholarship, which will be awarded at $500 over four semesters of your post-secondary education. The money is given based on a business-based essay (the topic changes each year).

This scholarship opened on December 1st, so get moving!

Apply here: https://www.yourgreenpal.com/scholarship

Grasshopper Entrepreneur Scholarship

For the past five years, Grasshopper has been giving out large chunks of money to students who are enrolled in an undergraduate program and have an interest in small business. While the rules don’t specifically say that you have to own a business to be eligible, it is designed to support budding startups. They grant $5,000 annually to the winner of their essay contest.

Apply here: https://grasshopper.com/entrepreneur-scholarship/

Kitchen Cabinet Kings Scholarship

Do you know a bit about blockchain and cryptocurrency? Share your knowledge (and predictions) about their role in the future of business to be eligible to win a $5,000 college scholarship. Open to high school seniors and undergraduates, you must apply by December 30, 2018.

Apply here: https://kitchencabinetkings.com/scholarship/

Blitz Sales Software Scholarship

Open until July 1st of each year, this $1,000 scholarship is for high school seniors and undergrads who can answer some basic questions about sales, networking and marketing performance. As an aspiring entrepreneur, these are essential skills. Tell them what you know and get much-needed money for college!

Apply here: https://www.nowblitz.com/blitz-scholarship/

Other scholarships

While these have closed for the year, they have a good track record and are expected to return in 2019. Bookmark these pages to follow-up with in the new year:

TestPrep HQ Annual Entrepreneur Scholarship: Offered for two years in a row, it’s given out $2,500 to entrepreneurs based on an essay.

FranichiseOpportunities.com $2,000 College Scholarship: Closed for the year, it’s announced to be back in 2019 to give one enrolled college student money to help fund their classes (and their business goals). Be prepared to talk about your bright business idea in your application!

SelfLender Scholarship Award: Expected to return again in 2019, this scholarship gives out $1,000 each year to a small business owner and student.

Related: Why Entrepreneurs Need Mental Strength to Succeed

Additional resources

Competition for scholarships is fierce, and with so many people applying, it may seem that you don’t stand a chance at winning. Keep trying, however, because the mere act of trying improves your writing, networking, and social skills. You never know if you might make it big.

In the meantime, look for local scholarships within the business community near you for more opportunities with less competition. You can check with industry-based groups (such as those that serve insurance or real estate professionals), your city’s Chamber of Commerce, or very prominent, Fortune 500 business that may operate in your area. Finally, don’t discount the effort of checking with your local school or college. They often hear about scholarship opportunities that haven’t been announced yet. They are usually more than happy to give you the info you need to get started applying.

Good luck!

This article originally appeared on Nav.com by Linsey Knerl.

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Amenorhu kwaku is an author, internet marketer, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of SuccessValley, a network community for students and aspiring entrepreneurs. He is also the founder of Republik City News and Whoop, a news portal and a business directory.

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