Welcome to our success stories series. This week, Kartik Gurmule shares how he co-founded 4 companies with his friend...
Archive for category: Founder Stories
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He Built A Multi-Million Dollar Business With Zero Paid Advertising
Amenorhu kwaku, , Founder Stories, Entrepreneurs, 0To be completely accurate, he’s generated more than $6 million in sales with less than $500 in advertising....
Steve Jobs Incredible Journey and How he turn Failures into Success
Amenorhu kwaku, , Founder Stories, Entrepreneurs, 0Steve Jobs hardly needs any introduction. He was more than just the co-founder of Apple Computer and the...
The American Dream: From Rags to Riches, the Story of Chris Gardner Jr
Amenorhu kwaku, , Founder Stories, 0The American Dream is something that every United States citizen should have the equal opportunity to achieve success...
How This Entrepreneur Created the Ultimate Job Search Site
Amenorhu kwaku, , Founder Stories, Entrepreneurs, 0Beeya is a metasearch engine for jobs founded by CEO Ladan Davia. The company aggregates job listings from all...