term paper


Today you will learn about what all students are afraid of. Namely about the term paper, or rather about the most common mistakes when writing it. Why is it necessary? First of all, to save your nervous system and not to repeat the mistakes of other students, thereby saving yourself from numerous alterations, teacher’s indignation and low marks.

Lack of mandatory elements in the introduction

A term paper is guaranteed to be returned for revision if the relevance, purpose, subject and object, as well as tasks are not formulated in the introduction. These elements are found in all term papers without exception. However, universities or professors ask to supplement the introduction with methodology, scientific or practical relevance, a description of the structure, primary sources, or the degree of study of the chosen problem. A complete list of what is required precisely for your term paper is in the methodology book. Therefore, immediately taking it from the teacher or the department, you save yourself from making countless edits. It is also useful to pay attention to the requirements for design, namely how tables and figures are signed, the order and principle of describing sources in the list, the width of the margins and other points. The introduction and the design of the text is the first thing the reviewer will look at.

Absence or discrepancy of references and actual sources of literature

Without the presence of references, the term paper is guaranteed not to be accepted. But to put them in a chaotic order is clearly not enough to go to the teacher’s check. References must still match the list. What is easy to screw up here? A reference near a modern statistic refers to a book from twenty years ago. Or, quoting a scientist with his name, next to put a footnote to a scientific work of another person.

References to non-existent pages

Using outdated literature. It is impossible to write a term paper on a current, modern topic, citing sources from the early twentieth century. What years it is preferable to take again is specified in methodical recommendations. As a rule, if you select books and articles published in the last 3-5 years, if it is not about the latest innovations in legislation or other areas, it will be enough for the information from them to be considered relevant.

Undisclosed topic of the work

The volume of the term paper is small, about 30-40 pages. Therefore, the “water” in it is noticeable especially clearly. You need to write clearly and without deviating from the theme of both the work itself and the paragraph that is created.


The main rule here is not to take a large amount of text from one source and even more so from someone else’s student work. Coursework involves independent work of the student. And if a part of another’s scientific text is still allowed in the theoretical section, but don’t forget to design quotations and put references near them, then the practical one is written independently. Scientific articles, textbooks, manuals, official statistics and reports, texts of laws are used as sources. Teachers have a very negative attitude to information from blogs, controversial online resources, Wikipedia. If you cannot write entirely from scratch, use a rewrite, and do it manually. There are a lot of services on the Internet that automatically increase the uniqueness, but the result of thoughtless selection of synonyms is unlikely to please you.

The specialists at https://www.wiseessays.com/ will help you to write your term paper.

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