personal statement


A personal statement is an integral part of your college application. A well-written statement can make all the difference and earn you a place in that prestigious college you have always wanted to join. That said it is important to note that writing a personal statement is not easy. You are expected to show your motivation, commitment, and dedication for studying a particular course and couple this with excellent writing skills. It does not help that word count here is notoriously limited, so you have to summarize your experiences and skills in a single sheet of paper.

While writing a personal statement is no mean feat, it is doable. Here are some great tips you can put into use to ensure that your statement is nothing short of perfect.

Be Specific

Use the course description to explain the qualities, skills, and experiences you plan to bring to studying the subject/course you have chosen. This information is readily available online.  However, you have to be creative and just use the course description as a guide.

If you have more than one college application to submit, you have to tailor each application to match the courses in these institutions. To be on the safe side, avoid mentioning the course by name or including the university name.

Answer All The Questions

More often than not, a personal statement comes with a set of questions. Ensure that you answer all the questions as asked- even those that seem obvious.  Answer all the questions truthfully and resist the temptation to use cliché phrases. Instead, aim to illustrate your answers using examples that capture your commitment to the field you are looking to join and tell your unique life story.

Write A Winning Conclusion

Your conclusion should not only summarize everything you have mention in your statement but also impress your audience. The goal here is to leave a lasting impression so go all the way and highlight all your strong points and relevant experiences.

Related: Useful Tips and Tricks on How to Write a Process Essay

Engage A Professional

As highlighted above, your personal statement is what you will set you apart and make you stand out in a crowd.  In a highly competitive world, falling short on your college application can work to your disadvantage, even when you have met all other requirements. If you have no idea where to start, it is always wise to engage a professional. Fortunately, there are experienced professionals who will help you in writing a personal statement among other academic documents. These experienced individuals are readily available online and will work round the clock to ensure that you have your document way before your deadline.

Final Thought

You get to choose the style to use for your personal statement. Whatever style you choose, your grammar must be impeccable. It does not hurt to let a friend or your teacher to read the statement before you can submit your application. Lastly, keep in mind that the person reading your essay does not know you at all. It is up to you to make your audience understand your ambitions, experiences, and character.

Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Statement

What questions should you answer in a personal statement?

Your answers to these questions may help you to decide what to include in your personal statement:
  • What in your life story makes you special, unique or impressive?
  • Study for which you are applying and how did you learn about it?/What interests you about the field of work
  • What are your relevant work experiences?

What should you avoid in a personal statement?

The 5 Big Mistakes Students Should Avoid
  • Writing a Personal Statement for a subject that isn’t the right fit.
  • Spelling & Grammar Mistakes.
  • Avoid exuberant language and pointless cliches.
  • Endlessly listing extracurricular activities.
  • Over-using quotes or taking them out of context.

Do you have to paragraph your personal statement?

Basic structure tips

This can be tricky as it will eat into the 47 lines available to you so don’t use lots of paragraphs but try to have a few. This will make your personal statement easier for the admissions tutor to read than one large block of writing.

Is a personal statement 4000 characters with or without spaces?

So, you’ve written a cracking UCAS personal statement but it’s way too long. For 2019 the UCAS personal statement word limit is 4,000 characters or 47 lines of text (including spaces and blank lines)

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Amenorhu kwaku is an author, internet marketer, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of SuccessValley, a network community for students and aspiring entrepreneurs. He is also the founder of Republik City News and Whoop, a news portal and a business directory.

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